Package for sequence execution.
Main module for sequence execution
- class sequence.core.engine.SequenceEngine¶
Main class of the sequence engine
- interrupt()¶
Interrupt the sequence execution
- load(xml_file, max_depth=None, backup=None)¶
Load an xml file
- xml_file – str – path of the xml file to load
- max_depth – int – maximum depth for sequence creation
- backup – str – path of the xml backup file
- start()¶
Start the sequence
- wait(timeout=None)¶
Wait for the sequence to terminate Return False if the timeout is expired, True otherwise
- class sequence.core.engine.SequenceLoggingFormatter(fmt=None, datefmt=None)¶
A log formatter customized to handle sequence execution logs
- format(record)¶
Override the “format” method of the Formatter class
- sequence.core.engine.add_log_handler(handler)¶
Add a log handler to the execution logger
- sequence.core.engine.stream_sequence_logs(stream, debug_level=20)¶
Add the custom stream handler to the execution logger
Module for running sequences
- class sequence.core.runable.AbstractExecution(thread)¶
Class providing a basis for execution implementation
- class sequence.core.runable.ActionExecution(thread)¶
Class implementing an action execution
- class sequence.core.runable.BranchExecution(thread)¶
Class implementing a branch execution
- add_thread(thread)¶
Append a thread to join to the list
- class sequence.core.runable.ResetTimeExecution(thread)¶
Class implementing a time reset execution
- class sequence.core.runable.RootSequenceThread(xml_sequence, stop_thread_parent=None)¶
Class to implement the root sequence and run it in a thread
- run()¶
Run the root sequence
- stop()¶
Stop the current sequence execution. Note that it is not necessarily the “self” instance.
- class sequence.core.runable.RunableSequence(xml_sequence, stop_thread, root=False)¶
Class for creating runable sequences and subsequences
- class TimeReference¶
Class for creating a specific time reference
- reset()¶
Reset the time reference
- wait(arg)¶
Wait until the time reference equals the time parameter
- RunableSequence.load()¶
Load the content of the XML sequence
Run the sequence
- class sequence.core.runable.SequenceThread(sequence, starter=None, first=None)¶
Class to implement and execute a sequence thread
- build_execution()¶
Build the next execution block of the sequence thread
- generate_threads()¶
Generate the threads launched by the current sequence thread
- increment()¶
Go to the next block
- run()¶
Run method of the sequence thread
- class sequence.core.runable.StopThread(main_thread)¶
Class implementing a mechanism to stop the whole sequence execution
- add_backup(backup)¶
Add a backup to start when the stop mechanism is set
- add_child(child)¶
Add a child to propagate stop signals to
- add_starter(starter)¶
Add a starter to set when the stop mechanism is set
- disable()¶
Disable the stop mechanism
- enable()¶
Enable the stop mechanism
- is_set()¶
Test if the stop mechanism is set
- run()¶
Run the stop mechanism
- set()¶
Start the stop mechanism if it is enabled, propagate to children otherwise
- class sequence.core.runable.SubsequenceExecution(thread)¶
Class implementing a subsequence execution
- class sequence.core.runable.WaitExecution(thread)¶
Class implementing a wait execution